Friday, October 12, 2012

Business Travel is a blogger

Thursday October 11, 2012, I was discussing my book, 80 Years of Aviation in Nigeria, and aviation issues with a friend and brother, Roy Goins, who had just finished reading the book and also he wanted to read my blog on aviation issues. I told him he can read it is on But after some explanations which were not convincing, even to me, for him to read my aviation issues on, I thought on commenting on the issues through other site.  Roy is an American and lives in Columbus, Ohio.

Again while checking my mails on Friday October 12, 2012, my assistant in Lagos, Nigeria, Ariyo Akinfenwa, wanted to know when we will be resuming the publication of Business Travel magazine and my instinct was ‘Why?’  Truly, I do not wish to print or continue to print Business Travel magazine very soon. I did it for 11years and my evaluation of it is that the aviation industry, as presently composed in Nigeria, is really small to appreciate and sustain a publication such as ours, especially the weekly publication. Therefore, for economic reasons, I will not be printing Business Travel magazine, monthly or weekly, in the immediate. I may be tempted to do some SPECIAL edition. This does not affect our Business Travel Quarterly Flight Information Guide.

However, as a professional aviation communicator and analyst, I will always get my thoughts through on aviation issues and today I humbly announce the birth of the Business Travel magazine blog which spells ‘’. I wish to run a commentary on aviation issues from relevant environments and look forward to contributions from all. It will be an open blog to every side of the aisle.

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