Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tragic-comedy of House Committee on Aviation/Dana Air Crash saga

By Group Captain[rtd] John Obakpolor
I have waited this long before lending my voice to the issue above. In all my years in aviation industry both here and abroad, I have never come across a situation as this: where a group of people constitute themselves as judge and jury to pronounce judgment in a case which they are not professionally competent. It was a travesty  of justice.
I am pleased at the amount of resentment poured out by the Nigerian professionals who felt insulted by these masquerades and impostors parading themselves as the watch dogs of the industry.
How could they violate the sanctity of the 'Hallowed' chamber to perpetuate this heinous crime of character assassination in the name of oversight duty they knew nothing about? I thank God that Nigerians are not as ignorant as they thought.
The history of Aviation industry accidents/incidents is as old as the industry itself. When they happen, it takes time and patient to unravel and the causes found are used to proffer solution for future occurrence of such accident/incident.
The results are never punitive in nature, else the spate of accident/incident would be exacerbated. If we have to apply the Hope Uzodinma approach, there would be no Aviation industry in the next one year. I am happy that we operate a system of checks  and balances. 
In an accident investigation, you must have an open mind to allow free flow of information. You do not draw conclusion until the evidence before you point you toward that direction. You do not work from answer to question but allow the answer to evolve itself.
That was Senator Hope Uzodinma's style. At its inauguration, his committee directed that the D.G, NCAA stepped aside to allow for unhindered investigation.
This is not a financial misappropriation matter. That was where he goofed. He was playing out  somebody’s script who have zero tolerance for healthy competition in the industry.
This idea was brought to me when I headed the administrative panel on the same DANA crash investigation. I thought it was a joke but I now know better.
How else can one explain why a committee of a legislative arm of government now wish to assume the role of NCAA in the issuance of Aircraft Operator’s Certificate (AOC) and its revocation.
The two chambers joint committee members must be guided  in the way they trod 'carelessly' in Aviation terrain. Free flow of information is the bedrock of safety consolidation Aviation. 
If this is achieved in the industry, confidence would have been restored to  the industry. Safety Management System  (SMS) must be fully entrenched and enforced on the operating airlines in the country. 
Much has been said about the age of  an aircraft as a cause of  frequent aircraft accident in Nigeria, but this is not correct.
The age of an aircraft has no adverse effect on its operational performance if the schedule maintenance is strictly adhered to. This  is what NCAA has been doing to make sure that airlines do not default in their maintenance schedule.
The  committee recommended  a 15years bar for any aircraft operating in Nigeria. This will not only make it impossible for airlines to re-fleet but also make it impossible for them to sustain themselves in business.
A well maintained old aircraft is better than a poorly maintained new aircraft. A Kenyan 737-800 that was three month old when it crashed in Cameroon as a result of wind shear; that is  weather related cause.
Bad weather does not discriminate between old or new aircraft and in this case.  What matters, is perfect air-man ship and discipline. An old aircraft could be retrofitted  and become new.
An aircraft has two major components; Air frame and Engine and they both have different life span. The engines are change from time to time as at when due but an Airframe, when it reached the designed age limit are taken out of service.
MD 83
Contrary to the committee findings MD 83 aircraft is very much in operation all over the world including countries in Africa. How far can emotion lead us when taking decision that will affect our economic structure.
During the era of Nigeria Airways which lost one of its aircraft in a crash, elicited a lot  of emotional out cry  and with a government fiat, the airline was made to dispose of its fleet six (6) F28 brand new Aircraft type without any technical reasons
When will this hasty and unsubstantiated decision making attitude stop? Enough is enough. Seek for professional advice before taking such far reaching decisions. 
A lot has been said about this crash. High profile emergency meeting held and communique was issued at the end; all pointing towards suspicion. It is unfortunate that we have gotten to this stage in our Aviation industry.
The military is a place where such thought should not be entertained because it is apolitical and non partisan in nature.
Why would any one doubt the outcome of a military investigation to suggest the inclusion of an independent observer in the name of “consultant”. If  the situation has gotten to this stage in our society, then God help us.
Let me at this juncture express my heart felt condolence to Mr. President , the family of those who lost their dear ones in that horrible accident; I joined the teeming Nigerians to pray for the repose of the souls of the  departed.
Military crashes happen every now and then. They happen that we might learn from the result of the investigation. There has been suggestion that the military operation be put under the Ministry of Aviation. That should be the last thing to be considered.
I attended a workshop in the UK last October to review the performance of MILITARY AVIATION AUTHORITY (MAA) in UK. This body came to being as an after might of the crash of a reconnaissance aircraft (Nimrod) in Afghanistan. The fallout from that report gave birth to MAA.
It was found out that there was no unified regulatory authority for the military. Every arm of the  service was operating on its own. There was no interference from the CAA.
With the MAA the services are brought under one command and made the relationship with the CAA seamless.
The volume of our operations may not be in the magnitude of the UK, it would be appropriate if we started thinking along that line.
It is high time we started doing things the right way. There is no room for ignorance , hypocrisy, cheap popularity and hatchet man job in Aviation industry.
Bogus consultants whose knowledge is centered around vendetta and destruction of the few proven hands in the industry should be exposed and stopped. It is time to sheath the sword and do some constructive work to the good of the nation. 
I wish you all COMPLEMENT of the season. 
Group Captain John Obakpolor (rtd.) was former Chairman National Society of Engineers (Aviation)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dana Air and Institutional Racism in Nigeria?

By Ifeayin Okoro

Aviation Minister, Mrs Stella Oduah-Ogiemwonyi
On the surface there seems not to be much to talk about when it comes to the subject of racism and racial discrimination in Nigeria. But a better appreciation of the topic and careful observation of our social life reveal a worrisome trend with far-reaching consequences for our socio-political and economic development as a people.
According to UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the term ‘Racial Discrimination’ refers to any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.
Considering the global ‘hierarchical structure’ which places white at the top and black at the bottom, and following the above definition, Black Africans, generally, appear not to have the power or privilege to be racist towards white people, even in their own countries. The existence of racist tendencies among Africans is more evident in the widespread inter-ethnic, inter-communal and inter-religious violence in most parts of the continent.
In Nigeria, the persistence of the Osu Caste system in the Central and Southern parts of the country, the continued large scale exploitation of natural resources in the Niger-Delta region without mitigating the effects on the people, the application of the Sharia system in the North with harsher sentences for women and the Boko Haram menace are just a few examples.
While these forms of racial discrimination amongst Nigerians have long lived with us, the idea of Nigerians being racist towards non-Nigerians is rather alien to most people. Nigerians, often described as one of the most-friendly and accommodating people in the world, can’t possibly be perpetrators of acts of racial discrimination against foreigners? Or can we?
In 2009, a group of Commonwealth MPs were refused carriage by a boat company operating in the Niger Delta. The four white South Africans and a mixed-race person from Namibia who were barred from a boat trip to Bonny Island cried racism. Outraged, the Black MPs decided not to use the boat company's services in solidarity. Their cries reached the governor of Rivers State who apologised and promised to use his power to force the boat company to change their policy. This experience was cited as proof that racism against white people exists in Nigeria.
Several other examples of racial discrimination against foreigners in Nigeria have also been given. However, whatever doubts remained in me about the seriousness of the trend were quickly dismissed following the Dana Air crash of June 3, 2012. The almost mob-like ‘guilty verdict’ slammed on the airline by the court of public opinion and the media, based mainly on the ‘Indian origin’ of its owners than any rational evaluation (as official investigation into the cause of the accident is still on-going), as well as the actions of Government in the aftermath of the accident, all have racist innuendoes.
Agreed, prior to the Dana incident Nigerians had enjoyed 5 years of zero-accident and relative calm in the aviation sector with the tumultuous crashes of years before a distant memory. So, I can understand the public rage and outcry that greeted the June 3 crash; it not only inflicted new pains but re-opened old wounds too. Of course, it is also very normal for people to try to deduce reasons for such a tragic incident and apportion blames where they feel they have a ‘strong case’ to do so.
But does the Indian origin of the owners qualify as a ‘strong case’? Well, from the ‘kill the bloody Indians’ shouts that rented the air after the accident, it appears race was a major consideration for most Nigerians in determining culpability in the crash. The fact that there is actually a legally constituted body (Accident Investigation Bureau) equipped to investigate cause of air crashes in Nigeria, with technical support from the US National Transportation Safety Board, didn’t seem to matter much. There was no need for the AIB to even do any real investigations on this one: “the owners are ‘Indians’ and, as such, are guilty”, Nigerians had reached a verdict!
Even if one chose to ignore the racist position of individual commentators on the Dana Air subject, or excuse the media for shamefully placing undue emphasis on the race of the airline owners in reporting the accident (of course their major concern is to sell their papers, so the more sensational the reporting the better for them) how can we forgive the Government, who should know better than to play the race card, especially when the entire world has its eye on the country following such a traumatic accident?
As painful as the Dana incident is, there is no justification for reaction based mainly on race or ethnicity, as the actions of Government suggest. Up until the Dana case, no airline in Nigeria, or anywhere else in the world, has had its operating license suspended following an accident even when it met all regulatory requirements for aircraft and proper insurance documentation. Bellview, for instance, was not stopped from flying for a day until the management made a decision to stop its operations months after, for commercial reasons. Sosoliso’s operations were halted due insurance matters. So why was Dana’s case different?
The world over, the norm is not to ground an airline following an accident. As long as the civil aviation authority in the affected country can confirm that the other aircraft in the airline’s fleet are airworthy and that the airline is compliant with ALL applicable aviation regulations and safety standards, it is allowed to carry on with its operations while the aircraft accident investigators launch a full scale investigation into the cause of the accident.
This investigation usually takes time, and the final report is never ready in less than a year; as a matter of fact, the report of the British Airways crash of 2008 was only released in 2010 while that of the Air France crash of 2009 was only published in June 2012 – 3 years after the accident. Had the government of these countries acted based on sentiments (as in the Dana case) rather than international standards, BA and Air France may have remained on ground for 2 and 3 years respectively.
That the preliminary report of the investigation jointly conducted by the Nigerian AIB and the United States NTSB on the Dana crash is out is no longer news. And, contrary to the rumours that the crashed airplane was not airworthy, the facts show that the aircraft was in good condition. Paragraph 13 of the report states “A review of the aircraft technical logs of the previous 30 days did not indicate a condition. The airplane had last undergone maintenance on 1st June 2012, and after a return to service flight on 2nd June 2012, it was operated on four revenue flights (two round trips between LOS and ABV) and another four flights on 3rd June 2012.”
However, as per the submissions made by the Commissioner/CEO of AIB, Capt. M.S. Usman, “The content of this report is based on preliminary information. The Bureau will continue to conduct the investigation in a meticulous and methodical manner and release facts as they become validated”. Rather than come to hasty, non-evidence based conclusions, what we should do is wait for the outcome of the final report, and put pressure on the authorities to effect the recommendations of the bureau to prevent future occurrences and, if the airline or the regulator is found culpable then, make them face the full wrath of the law. This is the practice everywhere in the world.
As reported by the Ministry of Aviation, the airline has gone through a satisfactory technical, administrative and financial audit and has also completed a rigorous process of recertification, leading to the award of a new Air Operator Certificate by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA). If it is found to have fulfilled all the requirements for a safe return to the air, and has demonstrated a strong commitment to fulfilling its obligations to the victims’ families as severally confirmed by the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM), what justification does the government or anyone have to keep the airline on ground? Surely, the race of its owners can’t be sufficient reason?
Racism, tribalism, nepotism and all the other forms of negative human relational ‘isms’ are a disease inhabiting the dirty crevices of the human soul. They are often symptomised by absurd stereotypes, fuelled by ignorance and thriving in the mind of the mentally, morally and spiritually stunted regardless of whether such predisposition is found in an illiterate person or an Emeritus professor. As Nigerians we need not look too far afield for a demonstration of its unfortunate effects; it's right here in our homes, in religious and educational institutions, and in governance. And until we shed this contemptible cloak of immaturity, we are going nowhere as a country.
The Federal Government must reaffirm to Nigerians and the whole world that discrimination between human beings on the grounds of race, colour or ethnic origin is an obstacle to friendly and peaceful relations among nations, and can jeopardize efforts to attract foreign direct investment in the country, by immediately returning to service a legitimate business concern which has over 500 Nigerians directly in its employ, and countless others indirectly.
This is most important, considering that the Charter of the United Nations is based on the principles of the dignity and equality inherent in all human beings, and that all Member States have pledged themselves to take joint and separate action, in co-operation with the Organization, for the achievement of one of the purposes of the United Nations which is to promote and encourage universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

Ifeanyi Okoro, a Public Affairs Analyst, writes from Lagos

Friday, December 21, 2012

Aviation Roundtable reviews 2012

Captain Dele Ore, President, Aviation Roundtable


Since our last press release on the 11th of July 2012, a lot of events had taken place in the aviation sector. In the spirit of the season we welcome you heartily to the third and final press briefing of the year 2012. From our records of previous press releases since 2002, it is pertinent to say once again that issues raised then are still mostly unresolved till date. We are however, articulating for emphasis once again the following issues which are of utmost concern to us.


The last time there was a concerted effort to have a comprehensive National Civil Aviation Policy was in 2001. Since then there has been several policy somersault on the appointment of any new minister of Aviation. This is definitely not a comfortable state of affairs. A policy should ideally last a period of Ten (10) years. The National Civil Aviation Policy and other document relating to various aspects of operation in the industry should be arrived at with the active involvement and participation of all key stakeholders so that the policies can be seen to veritably address current and future issues, challenges and development and also point out the way to long time success. The Civil Aviation Act 2006 part 1 Section 1 stipulates ; “The Minister shall be responsible for the formulation of policies and strategies for the promotion and encouragement of Civil Aviation in Nigeria and the fostering of sound economic policies that assure the provision of efficient and safe services  by air carriers and other aviation and allied service providers as well  as greater access to air transport in a sustainable manner and to assist with ensuring that Nigeria’s obligations under international agreement are  implemented and adhered to.”

For this reason the National Civil Aviation Policy should be well defined, continuous, structured and articulated, monitored by stakeholders who should be empowered to continuously review all policy decisions before implementation. A structured mechanism is appropriate in achieving this.

For this reason also, the Ministry of Aviation should be re-engineered by the introduction of experienced professionals to head all departments that directly impact on the aviation industry. In otherwords, professionalize the Ministry of Aviation.
ART wishes to commiserate with the Federal Government of Nigeria, the Kaduna State Government and the families of former Kaduna State Governor, late Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa, the former National Security Adviser to the President late (Rtd) General Andrew Owoye Azazi their Aids and the pilots of the ill-fated Naval Helicopter.
According to the PUNCH of Monday 17th   of December, 2012, the Chief of Naval Staff, was quoted explaining the position of the military in the assignment of roles in military or civilian situations in which the Nigerian Navy is involved.
Be that as it may, certain pertinent questions need to be asked and answers proffered for public enlightenment. In the event of civilian casualties in a Military Aircraft Crash what becomes the fate of such civilians in terms of Insurance and Entitlements? What are the conditions guiding situations for eligibility or otherwise?

There is no doubt that there is serious shortage of core Aviation personnel now in the aviation sector. What you have now is ageing local manpower such as the Pilots, Licensed Aircraft Engineers, Licensed Avionics Engineers, skilled ancillary support services. Since the liquidation of the former National Carrier, Nigeria Airways, many of the trained and experienced staff have either died or retired, leaving a few that are now threatened out of existence by the influx of their foreign counterparts. In fact the domination of foreigners in the Aviation sector is a present danger to Nigeria as it is believed that less Nigerians are now employed by the airlines especially the private and chatter operations.

Therefore there is need to provide Aviation Training Facilities such as more flying schools, Aviation Training Organizations (ATO) to cope with ageing manpower and dwindling technical skills.

The foremost Aviation Training School in Nigeria, the NCAT (Nigerian Civil Aviation Technology) Zaria should be upgraded in every possible way to enable it regain its pride of place as Africa's No.1 training centre. The influx of expatriate pilots and engineers has become so worrisome that Expatriate quota has become a big issue in the Aviation Industry. Its effect in Airline Economics can better be imagined. Apart from the huge costs to our airlines, it inevitably leads to capital flight out of the country because of the dearth of Nigerian professionals. Notwithstanding the issues our observations are still valid.


It is noteworthy that Nigeria has over 60 BASA across the globe to different countries for economic and Air transportation benefits. Sadly only about 15 are being serviced while the others are virtually of little benefits except for commercial income of $20.00 per seats carried by the foreign Airline on routes not plied by Nigerian Airline. For over two decades this trend has continued leading to capital flight, underdevelopment of the Aviation Sector, youth unemployment and death of domestic operators within 5years of starting operations. The Federal Government must ensure a review of all BASA conditions, aircraft types, routes, meals on board, frequency of flights per week, double entry / designation into Nigeria.

The Foreign Airlines Investments in Nigeria is very insignificant to their profit margin. It is calculated to be less than 10%.

The Foreign Airlines need to invest part of their profits in;

1.     Airport Terminals Development
2.     Hotels, Catering and Hospitality Services
3.     Airport Shuttle Services
4.     Ground Handling Services
5.     Banking and Insurance Companies
6.     Airport Fire Services
7.     Investments in Domestic Airlines
The Federal Ministry of Aviation must hold a serious meeting with Board of Airline Representatives (BAR) to develop new areas of cooperation and investments in 2013.   

The Aviation Sector in Nigeria is once again at a crossroad with infrastructures, and virtually all aspects still dismal even with current efforts at development in areas such as Airports Rehabilitation, there are still areas yearning for urgent intervention which should be embarked upon commensurate with these efforts to create a balance so that some sectors are not left behind. ART’s observations and stand are highlighted as below.

The remodeling of 11 or 12 airports which have been penciled down is indeed a welcome development, when viewed against the dilapidation and rot of facilities at most of our Airports. The extent of the breakdown of Terminal Buildings, Passengers Lounge, Toilet Facilities, unserviceable Conveyor Belts or lack of electricity at our airports had reached an alarming rate, and were crying to high heavens for urgent rehabilitation. And so the immediate response to the situation by HMA, Princess Stella Oduah cannot but be applauded. The recently commissioned GAT terminal building is impressive in terms of expanded building, architectural design and value, and one hopes that efficiency of the facilities installed there are high and maintenance culture put in the front burner, at N700million per terminal it is a huge deployment of public funds.

However, ART’s wonders what has become of PPP (Public, Private, Partnership) which would have limited tax payer’s money in the Airports Remodelling projects. Or the concession option which would have meant that available funds are channeled into sectors which also impact on safety such as Airfield lighting {Runway 18L} which has been stalled for many years now, wild life control, perimeter fencing etc. Meanwhile the Government continues to lament paucity of funds for the development of facilities and critical infrastructure.

However, in the spirit of Transparency, Accountability and due process of the present Administration the processes of contract tenders and award ought to have been made open and available to stakeholders for monitoring purposes.
There has been Newspaper reports that this huge amount of money has been given to Nigeria as loan to enable the acquisition of aircraft through FAAN as the Director of Operations of FAAN, Mr. Henry Omeogu was reported to have said. If this is true, this is definitely an anomaly, and a usurpation of statutory functions. Where do you place the NCAA in all of this whose purview is the supervision, airworthiness and Importation of Aircraft into Nigeria? Again, what are the processes and conditions attached to the loan? The public deserves to know.


Aviation Round Table will like to put on record once again that we are neither opposed to or in support of a new National Carrier but we must sound a note of warning which we have done for several times.

1.     The idea of a National Carrier is archaic and not in consonance with best practices worldwide.

2.     National Carriers of most countries collapsed due to global events and lack of resources by their owners, Nigeria should not repeat yet another costly mistake by creating a new National Carrier being secretly put together.

3.     No National Carrier which is usually threatened with instability, interference, insincerity due to selfish interest has always managed to turn investment into colossal loss and abyss for waste.

4.     No National Carrier can have the advantages to access the international or multilateral financial institution that can provide the resource base support and linkages that are open to private enterprises and operators.

5.     The present steps will finally result into yet more future “National debt”.

PLEASE NOTE: Nigeria should support and strengthen the private operators by opening the way to them and by designating them as FLAG CARRIERS. The questions therefore are: - what are the criteria for such designation?

          ii.      What should be the size of an airline in terms of fleet size, capital               base etc to qualify for such designation?

iii.             What should be the level of operational experience before designation.

We thank you for your co-operation and attention.

Capt Dele Ore                                                    Mr. Sam Akerele
President                                                             Sec. General

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dana Air insurers begin final settlement of $100,000

  From L-R: Tony Usidamen, Communications Manager, Dana Air and Jacky Hathiramani, CEO Dana Air at a media interactive forum organised by Dana Air recently
 Jacky Hathiramani, CEO Dana Air(r) and Tony Usidamen, Communications Manager
Insurers of Dana Air, Thursday, commenced payment of USD 70,000 to families of victims of the June 3 disaster after having made advance payments of USD 30,000 to over 80 families. The Civil Aviation Act stipulates that the sum of USD 100,000 be paid as compensation to families of victims of air disasters.
Confirming the payment to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Tony Usidamen, Dana Air’s Head of Corporate Communications said “Following receipt of Letter of Authentification from the Probate Registry, our insurers have begun balance payment of USD 70,000 to affected families. Only 4 other families have, so far, presented the requisite Grant of Probate or Letter of Administration, and payment will shortly be made to them.”
Usidamen explained that inorder to assess and verify full compensation due and payable, it is necessary for claimants to produce the required Grants of Probate or Letters of Administration which would then have to be authenticated by the Probate Registry. “This is a customary procedure to ensure that just compensation is only paid to the right next-of-kin. Dana Air has no control over the speed with which the Probate Registry deals with the verification process, although maximum pressure is being exerted to expedite this.”
“Also, in the case of minors, a Letter of Guardianship has to be produced by the parent or guardian in order to access full payment. Again, this is not a pre-condition given by Dana Air or its insurers but a standard legal requirement to ensure that due compensation is paid only to those who have entitlement.”
Said Usidamen, “We appreciate how difficult this period is for all the families and are also aware of the challenges they are facing in getting the required legal documents for accessing the final payments. We, however, want to offer our assurances that they are not alone in the process and we will continue to work with the NCAA and other relevant authorities to assist them in every way possible. Thankfully, the Lagos State Government has promised to fast-track the process of obtaining the Letters of Administration from the Probate Registry.”
“Dana Air shares in the pain of all the affected families and we wish to re-iterate the readiness of our insurers to settle all claims in accordance with the law and available evidence, at the earliest opportunity,” Usidamen reassured.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dana Drugs Donates to Flood Victims

Dana Drugs Limited has donated items comprising pharmaceutical products as aid to victims of the recent flood disaster in Nigeria, in support of the relief efforts of the Federal Government in the affected states.

Speaking during the presentation of the items at the Abuja Headquarters of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Pharm. Godwin Ediagbonya, Superintendent Pharmacist, Dana Drugs Limited, said “Disasters, though no one prays for them, do happen. And when they do it is the collective responsibility of everyone, not just the Government, to rally around and support those affected.”

“Dana Drug’s gesture of donating pharmaceutical products to the victims of the recent flood disaster across some states of the federation is in fulfillment of this responsibility, and we hope that it will complement the efforts of the NEMA towards the rehabilitation and wellbeing of those affected. Our hearts go out to them and it is our prayer that God will strengthen them in this critical period and grant them full recovery.”

Receiving the items on behalf of the agency, Dr. Zanna Muhammad, NEMA’s Director of Administration & Supplies, expressed appreciation to the management of Dana Drugs for the donation. He said “The drugs provided will contribute in no small way in catering to the health needs of the displaced persons. We are indeed grateful to Dana for the kind gesture and offer our assurances that the products will be utilized by those who really need them.”

Dr. Muhammad also urged other companies to emulate Dana by supporting the efforts of the agency. In his words, “While the response from public-spirited individuals and corporate bodies like Dana has been commendable, a lot still needs to be done to ensure proper rehabilitation of the affected states and persons, and we will appreciate more support from companies and organizations in this regard.”

The recent flooding in Nigeria, which affected 34 out of the 36 states of the federation, has been described as the biggest natural disaster in the nation’s history. Through NEMA, the Government has established camps for the victims and has been providing food items and medical care to those affected.